Getting Started . Basic Usage


Shortenly, you need ProjectBuilder to generate a game project. If you haven’t it, please grab the development toolkit.

Let’s generate a game project

  1. Open terminal or command prompt
  2. On Windows environment

    > {path-to}\ProjectBuilder.exe new YourProjectName

    On Mac/Linux environment

    > mono {path-to}\ProjectBuilder.exe new YourProjectName

Project structure

If you are succesfully creating new project, your project structure will be like below:

    .. YourProjectName.Content
    .. YourProjectName.Shared
    .... YourProjectNameGame.cs
    .. YourProjectName.Android
    .. YourProjectName.iOS
    .. YourProjectName.Linux
    .. YourProjectName.Mac
    .. YourProjectName.UniversalWindows
    .. YourProjectName.Windows
    .. YourProjectName.Platform
    .. YourProjectName.sln
    .. YourProjectName.Content.xml

Code the game

  1. Open your favourite C# IDE
  2. Open YourProjectName.sln solution

Ideally, you will code at YourProjectName.Shared project and YourProjectNameGame.cs is main entry of your game.

Run or debug the game

Just run or debug like other C# project. At first time, building need internet connection to download some dependencies. If successfully, you will see an empty burlywood color game window.