Preface . Frequently Asked Questions

What are platforms supported?

All windows platform (PC, Windows Store App, Mobile, IoT, Team, Holographic, and Xbox One), Mac/OSX, Android, iOS, and Linux.

Any plans to support other platforms?


How do you maintain this project?

On free time.

Who are the mainteners of this project?

Currently just @pratamabayu.

Find at stackoverflow or gamedev.stackexchange.

Have questions about this project?

Please post them at stackoverflow or gamedev.stackexchange and tag your question with Impression.

Have issues or bugs about this project?

Currently, just contact the mainteners.

How do I can contact maintaner)?

Just send P.M by github @pratamabayu or email us at

Do you receive sponshorship for this project?

Yes. Tell us what you want! :-).